Sell in Loops, Grow in Loops

🚀Unlock Growth: Master the 4 Loops

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In this newsletter, you’ll see:

🔁Four Essential Types of Growth Loops: Boosting Customer Engagement and Retention

🚀Exploring Google Ads' Ad Strength: Impacts and Optimization

👀Innovative Updates in Advertising and Analytics

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The Ultimate Content Collaboration Platform

Grappling with scattered feedback, disorganized workflows, and switching between too many tools?

Introducing Planable — the ultimate content collaboration tool for agencies and in-house marketing teams. With real-time collaboration and easy-peasy approval, you can create, plan, review, and approve all your awesome content in one space. And you get to organize your content by topic, campaign, brand, favorite color, or anything you please — just by using labels. Schedule your content, then track its performance with analytics and create beautiful reports for your clients. All in one place.

Join 5,000+ teams who trust Planable to streamline their content collaboration processes.


🔁Four Essential Types of Growth Loops: Boosting Customer Engagement and Retention

🌀 Understanding Growth Loops

Growth loops represent a continuous cycle where an initial input through user interaction generates an output that prompts further user engagement and acquisition. This cycle is self-sustaining, enhancing scalability, reducing customer acquisition costs, and boosting user engagement and retention. Here's how they operate and why they're pivotal for sustainable business growth.

🔗 Types of Growth Loops

Viral Growth Loop: Harnessing the Power of Word-of-Mouth

  • Word-of-Mouth Loop: Users naturally share their positive experiences.

  • Organic Viral Loop: For example, inviting colleagues to join a productive tool like Slack.

  • Casual Contact Loop: Brand visibility through user interactions, like "powered by" tags on widgets or tools.

Content Growth Loop: Fueling Engagement Through Quality Content

  • User-Generated Content Loop: Users create and share content that drives new users to the platform.

  • Company-Generated Content Loop: The company produces valuable content that attracts and retains users.

  • Supplier-Generated Content Loop: Partners or guest contributors create content, expanding reach and adding value.

Paid Growth Loop: Strategic Reinvestment for Amplified Reach

  • Sales Growth Loop: Direct revenue from sales is reinvested into further marketing and sales efforts.

  • Ad Growth Loop: Revenue generated from ads is used to fund additional advertising, enhancing visibility.

  • Integration Growth Loop: Investment in new features or integrations that attract new users.

Incentivized Growth Loop: Motivating Engagement Through Rewards

  • Incentivized Word-of-Mouth Loop: Users receive perks for referring others.

  • Incentivized Casual Contact Loop: Encourages casual mentions of the brand in various user interactions.

  • Incentivized Affiliate Loop: Affiliates earn commissions for driving sales or sign-ups, promoting sustained growth.

  • Incentivized User-Generated Content Loop: Rewards for users who create content beneficial to the brand. This can include even leaving reviews. To implement this you can use Nift. 

Here’s how it works:

A customer completes an action, such as leaving a review for one of Nift’s partners, like Tripadvisor

Tripadvisor thanks them with a personalized ‘gift’ to try your brand

The customer shops your brand, gets hooked, and becomes a loyal customer

Why Growth Loops Matter

Growth loops offer a strategic advantage by integrating the product deeply into the user experience, ensuring that every interaction can potentially lead to further growth. They are particularly effective in today's digital ecosystem, where organic reach and user engagement can significantly lower acquisition costs and increase lifetime value.


🚀Exploring Google Ads' Ad Strength: Impacts and Optimization
Insights from Search Engine Journal

What’s Up? Google Ads' Ad Strength feature continues to spark discussions around its effectiveness in enhancing advertising campaigns. This analysis delves into the nuances of Ad Strength and offers strategies for maximizing its utility.

The Breakdown:

Core Functionality and Significance: Ad Strength serves as a real-time diagnostic tool for Responsive Search Ads (RSAs), rating the diversity and relevance of ad content from 'Poor' to 'Excellent.' An optimized Ad Strength is linked to a 12% increase in conversions

Dispelling Misconceptions: Contrary to some beliefs, Ad Strength does not impact ad auctions or rankings directly. Instead, it acts as a crucial feedback mechanism for advertisers to refine their creatives, offering insights into the effectiveness of ad content without influencing bidding strategies.

Strategies for Optimization: Enhancing Ad Strength involves increasing the variety and relevance of RSAs' headlines and descriptions, aligning them more closely with targeted keywords and campaign objectives. A low Ad Strength, indicating limited variation or relevance, could lead to reduced impression rates.

Role in Different Campaign Types: Within Performance Max campaigns, Ad Strength evaluates asset groups' comprehensiveness across Google’s platforms, assisting in the optimization of ad assets. Although it provides valuable feedback during ad creation, it does not directly measure performance.

Effective use of Ad Strength can align ads with current market trends and user preferences, significantly improving the efficiency and impact of campaigns. By focusing on boosting Ad Strength, advertisers can fine-tune their campaigns for optimal engagement and increased conversions.


👀Innovative Updates in Advertising and Analytics
Insights from Search Engine Journal, Social Media Today, Venture Beat

What’s Up? Major tech companies like Roblox, YouTube, and Google are launching significant upgrades to their advertising and analytics tools, addressing the modern demands of digital marketers and data analysts.

The Breakdown:

Roblox: Unveiling an immersive video ad format, Roblox introduces genre targeting and brand suitability controls, simplifying the process for advertisers to connect with its predominantly Gen Z user base. Brands like e.l.f. Beauty and Walmart have already tapped into these features to enhance user engagement.

YouTube: With the new addition in YouTube Studio, content creators who have amassed at least 1,000 subscribers can now directly initiate ad campaigns, circumventing the intricacies previously encountered with Google Ads. This change enables easier and more direct ad operations.

Google Analytics: The introduction of 'saved comparisons' in Google Analytics marks a significant enhancement in data handling capabilities. Users can now save and retrieve filtered data comparisons easily, with support for up to 200 saved comparisons per property, facilitating more nuanced and tailored data analysis.

These advancements reflect the ongoing efforts by key tech players to refine and augment the efficiency of digital advertising and analytics tools, making them more accessible and effective for users aiming to optimize their digital strategies.


🌊Solawave received 180+ assets at $0 cost, Particle for Men achieved up to 2x ROAS on their influencer campaign and, 1,500+ major e-commerce brands like Opopop, Quip, GoPure, Woxer, are scaling their UGC and influencer marketing operations using Insense.  Book  yours 1-2-1 free strategy call and get $200 for your first UGC campaign!

🤖 Etsy adopts an AI-driven machine learning model to refine the accuracy of delivery date predictions, reducing U.S. Postal Service transit times by over a day resulting in a threefold rise in orders with estimated deliveries within seven days.

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