7 Figure Secrets to Email Success

๐Ÿš€ Email Fixes that Boosted Conversions by 68%

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In this newsletter, youโ€™ll find,

๐Ÿš€ Boosting Email Conversions: Lessons from a 7-Figure Health Brand

๐ŸŒŸ How Brands Can Thrive in a Gen Z World

๐Ÿ“ˆ The Effectiveness of Upsells and Cross-Sells in 2024

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๐Ÿš€ Boosting Email Conversions: Lessons from a 7-Figure Health Brand
Insights from Tobi Chapman

What if you could increase email conversions by 68% in 47 days? Here's how you can avoid common pitfalls and supercharge your email marketing:

๐Ÿ“ง Top Common Email Mistakes

Mistake #1: Overlapping Customer Journeys

  • Confusing Multiple Emails: Incorrect flow filters cause subscribers to receive multiple emails at once, creating confusion.

  • Disjointed Experiences: Lack of exclusion properties results in subscribers receiving both flow and campaign emails, leading to a disjointed experience.

Mistake #2: Not Splitting Flows by Buyer Status

  • Unnecessary Discounts: One-size-fits-all emails erode profit margins by offering unnecessary discounts to all subscribers.

  • Tailored Content: Tailoring content to prospects vs. customers can dramatically improve conversion rates.

Mistake #3: Incomplete Segmentation

  • High Bounce Rates: Failure to exclude non-engaged users spikes bounce rates and cripples deliverability.

  • Limited Revenue: Limited engaged segments reduce potential campaign revenue drastically.

Mistake #4: Unoptimised Campaign Cadence

  • Deterring Engagement: Incorrect email frequency, either too low or excessively high, can deter engagement and conversions.

  • Resource Drain: Over-segmentation in campaigns leads to resource drain without proportional ROI.

Mistake #5: Missing Key Automations

  • Limited Potential: Lack of comprehensive automation flows such as welcome and post-purchase sequences limits potential.

  • Minimising Gaps: Ensuring core flows are in place minimizes gaps in your strategy.

Mistake #6: Scattered Data Management

  • Complicated Analysis: Using multiple lists instead of a unified approach complicates analysis and segmentation.

  • Efficient Management: Simplifying tech stacks can enhance data management efficiency.

So go on try these out and let us know how it goes! 


๐ŸŒŸ How Brands Can Thrive in a Gen Z World
Insights from Pinterest Business

Whatโ€™s Up? To connect with Gen Z, brands need to understand where this generation finds and brings their favorite ideas to life: Pinterest. This platform is pivotal for Gen Zโ€™s discovery and shopping habits, making it essential for brands to optimize their presence.

The Breakdown:

Optimized Search Presence:

  • Gen Z increasingly uses Pinterest as a search engine, with searches up 30% year-on-year.

  • Strategy: Optimize Pins with relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and product feeds. Use targeted ads to reach Gen Z users based on their search behaviors.

Enhanced Engagement and Transactions:

  • Gen Z is highly active on Pinterest, saving 2.5x more Pins and creating 66% more boards than other generations.

  • Strategy: Encourage users to save and create boards. Implement retargeting campaigns to engage those who interacted with your content, driving them towards a purchase.

Seamless Shopping Experience:

  • A significant portion of Gen Z (63%) is always in a shopping mindset.

  • Strategy: Utilize carousel and collection ad formats to showcase products. Direct links in ads can drive traffic straight to your site, enhancing the shopping experience.

Trend Adaptation:

  • Gen Z constantly explores new aesthetics and trends on Pinterest.

  • Strategy: Use tools like Pinterest Predicts and Pinterest Trends to identify and leverage emerging trends. Create interactive content, such as quizzes and themed boards, to align with current interests.

Cultural Connection:

  • Gen Z engages deeply with pop culture, festivals, gaming, and fandoms on Pinterest.

  • Strategy: Develop content that connects with these cultural elements, such as event-specific shopping guides or digital customization ideas (e.g., avatars and backgrounds).

Influencing Indirect Shoppers:

  • Families and friends often shop for Gen Z.

  • Strategy: Encourage board sharing among relatives and friends. Target campaigns towards parents and gift-givers, educating them on Gen Z trends and preferences.

By understanding and leveraging Gen Zโ€™s engagement with Pinterest, brands can build stronger connections, drive higher engagement, and boost conversions. Optimizing content for search, staying ahead of trends, and considering both direct and indirect buyers are essential strategies for thriving in a Gen Z-dominated market.


๐Ÿ“ˆ The Effectiveness of Upsells and Cross-Sells in 2024
Insights from Stacked Marketer

Whatโ€™s Up? Classic upsell and cross-sell tactics continue to be effective in boosting average order values. In 2024, these strategies are further enhanced by AI, making them more impactful across various industries.

The Breakdown

Effectiveness Across Industries:

  • SaaS Companies: 44% report a 10% revenue boost from upsells and cross-sells.

  • Customer Lifetime Value: Upselling can increase it by 20%.

  • Sales Professionals: 72% identify upsells and cross-sells as their main revenue driver.

  • E-commerce Impact: 10-30% of average order value is attributed to upsells and cross-sells.

Success Rates and Additional Revenue:

  • Consumer Purchase Behavior: 20% of consumers purchase items through upsells.

  • Merchant Success: 50% of merchants see a 15% success rate in upsell efforts, while 25% report 11-15% success rates.

  • Revenue Increase: Upselling can add up to 30%, with most businesses seeing a 6-20% increase.

Effective Strategies and Channels:

  • Email Campaigns: Highly effective for personalized upselling.

  • Phone Calls: Add a personal touch, especially for high-ticket items.

  • Social Media and Websites: Effective for promoting lower-ticket items.

  • Building Bundles: Combine related products to boost perceived value.

  • Incentives: Offer extended payment plans or free shipping to encourage purchases.

  • Loyalty Programs: Reward repeat customers with perks to encourage more spending.

  • AI Integration: Enhance upselling efforts with personalized product suggestions, AI-powered chatbots, and tailored product descriptions.

Enhancing Upselling with AI:

  • Personalization: AI can analyze customer behavior to suggest relevant products.

  • Customer Support: AI chatbots can upsell products based on customer inquiries.

  • Dynamic Content: AI can create personalized product descriptions and promotional content.

Consumer Perception:

While 18% of consumers prioritize upselling and cross-selling, AI-generated product descriptions (49%) and content (43%) significantly enhance the effectiveness of these strategies.

Upsells and cross-sells remain powerful revenue drivers in 2024, especially when enhanced by AI. By leveraging AI and optimizing various channels, brands can maximize their upselling and cross-selling potential, driving significant revenue growth.


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๐Ÿ”Ž There are 8.5 billion searches per day on Google. Are you showing up? If not then youโ€™re losing sales. Ignite Digital are the SEO experts with over 13 years of experience. You can request your FREE competitive analysis from Ignite Digital and they will respond on the same day! 

๐Ÿ”Google is testing a large blue "Visit" button under some mobile search results that will increase click-through rates. 

๐Ÿค–Google Search Ads mimic an AI assistant app, blending AI-generated search results with advertisements.


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